Thursday, March 31, 2011

We Go Way Back

LK informed me that it has been 4 weeks since my last post and this was unacceptable.  I completely agree.  Law school has taken over full force.  My first exam is 21 days away....wah wah wah....right?? So yeah, I'll spare you the pity story, whining, excuses, etc. ...obviously we all have stuff going on in life.  But just for LK, I decided I better post today.  And in her honor I'm dedicating this post to "The Gang."

Christmas w/ the Gang 2005--please note the matching outfits--i mean if you can find them

"The Gang"--some have come, some have gone, we've changed as individuals, moved different places, experienced a wide variety of things, seen each other often at times, gone months without seeing each other at other times, but through all this one thing remains--the core crew has remained as close as ever.  

I feel like we're one of the few high school "groups" that has stuck together and I definitely consider that a blessing.

Senior Week Beach Trip 2006

So let's start from the beginning....well sort of.  We'll just start with high school days in general.  These people were my life.  We spent every free moment at East Surry hanging out on our bench, roaming the halls, being loud and obnoxious at the senior table, shooting around in the gym, cheering on each other, going to YoungLife events, staying in the parking lot after school just to chat, making weekend plans.  It was 4 of the best years of my life.  (i love most every period of my life so you'll probably hear me say this a lot.) I have never been closer and don't think I ever will be as close to a group of friends as we all were.  Weekends revolved around what we were all doing as a group.  When we dated people there was no question that they had to be comfortable hanging out with the crew.  We spent senior week together (oh wow, that is a blog in itself), we traveled near and far to watch games, we had our Honda posse, we made the teachers love us, we took afternoons to go up on Pilot Mountain, we went bowling (more often than I'd like), we made a lot of fruit pizzas, we had a few eventful nights at Bekah Jane's, we held each other accountable (sometimes), we grew in our relationships with Christ, we made way too many trips to Dobson, Red Brush, and Mount Airy, we lived at Wendy's during basketball season and Waffle House for random late night fun, we gave ridiculous Christmas gifts, we had many, many birthday dinners, we couldn't wait to turn 16, we spent summer days at the pool, we slept over almost every weekend, we danced the night away at prom, the list could go on and on.  

Junior Prom--one of the best nights EVER!

Today, we've all completed 4 years of college (well almost, soon to complete at least) and have moved on to new points in our lives.  Several with full time "big girl" coaching continuing the school about to get married..... a few job searching....
Still with all these different paths, different ambitions, different schedules we manage to find time to keep in touch, love each other just as much now as ever, and make it home  every now and then for some good ol' Surry County fun. We call each other up to tell stories, we confide in each other for advice, we go to each other for a shoulder to cry on, and we laugh with (ok..sometimes at) each other and the stupid things we do.  

Random night of boredom...but we always made the best of it

I love this group more than words can express.  I had a couple conversations recently about how I'm closer to my high school friends now than most people are at this point and that I should be thankful for that.  I am beyond thankful for this.  I'm thankful for new friends I've made and have developed some awesome, long-lasting new friendships.  But when it comes down to Rascal Flatts sings..."these are my people....this is where I come from"  I could write for days about how much this groups has impacted my life and how fascinated I am to see where people come from and the people they grew up with.  I feel it is a pleasure to say that this crew is "where I come from."  

Down by the river on a Friday Night....

This past Saturday I had the honor to host a bridal shower for one of the members of this crew....LK of course.  Still can't believe I was actually in charge of a shower and it was for my best friend since Kindergarten.....with that being said though, it was awesome to have all the girls from the crew back together (most of them at least).  When I left the shower I felt completely refreshed.  It was one of the most stressful weeks thus far in law school and yet all it took to get me out of the funk I was in was to see these girls.  It reminded me just how strong of a connection this group has.  That connection can never be broken regardless of becoming "grown-ups."

Spending the day on P Mount

We will ALWAYS be "THE GANG." I love you guys so much and can't wait for the many, many, many more years we spend together....attending each other's weddings, checking in on our jobs, having reunions at the river or Rals or wherever it may be, raising our kids to be best friends, growing old and laughing at all the stupid things we've done.  And thank you for all the many, many, many memories we've already made.  I think when I finally get home I'll pull out the graduation video to reminisce a little.  

Final Goodbye Before We Go On Our Journeys to College

Reunion 2006

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Greatest Job in the World

November 14, life changed FOREVER. In many ways. (Not as much as Candy Cane's, but still.)  It wasn't falling in love, landing that most-wanted position, or reading some life-altering book.  On that day I took on the role I've been wanting to have for a long time, I became a role model, an any-time babysitter, a spoiler....I became AN AUNT. And I am convinced this is the greatest job in the world.  I know, I know...motherhood is a feeling that is incomparable....but for now, for me, being an aunt can't be beat. On November 14, 2010 our family welcomed our munchkin....
Camille Christine Jicha

The past 3.5 months have been all I dreamed of and more.  Anyone will tell you that I've been waiting on Candy Cane to have a kid for some time now.  I was excited to have her and Kermit get married but I'd always told them I'm just ready for the kiddies to come.  I absolutely love kids and couldn't wait. Finally last spring I got the phone call....very unexpected.....and went something like this:

approximately mid-March....
Candy Cane: So I have your graduation present
Me: Oh, ok.  Well can that wait until closer to graduation?
Candy Cane: about waiting about 7're going to be an aunt!
Me: SOME SCREAMING....big smiles.....disbelief....etc.
and when the 304 crew got home I rushed downstairs to share my excitement

The next several months preparing for the munchkin's arrival were spoiling preparation.  After she was born the spoiling only got worse.  And I'm sure it will only continue further as she gets older.  The munchkin is growing so fast.  She has a smile that lights up my world (and everyone else around her).  I have successfully taught her to stick out her tongue....her mom and dad are certainly going to appreciate her quick learning style when it comes to my teaching in the future (NOT!) She has Jordans to rep on her  tiny little feet soon.....numerous Carolina blue outfits.....some bright neon colors to wear this spring.....and an awesome bib from St. Thomas that says "my aunt is a hottie." Kermit is a pretty great aunt as well (obviously I'll be the fave though)....she has an adorable cherry printed swimsuit to rock this summer and a fun fur vest that she showed off this winter.  Christmas (and every other holiday for that matter) was and certainly will be different from now on....going to be so much fun! (As the baby of the family for so long it will take some getting used to....
but well worth the sacrifice :)) 
I of course can't wait for her to continue to grow so I can spoil her even dates all the time, trips to Disney World, time on the ball field/basketball court/etc. (yes, she WILL play sports!)  This little munchkin is going to make up a large part of my life from now on and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm going to quit talking about it though and just show her off.....

Proud Grandparents.....

Overalls from Poppy...

Baby's First Christmas......

We matched....

Outfit from Aunt Kermit...

Learning To Dance.....

Mimi's Favorite....

My Valentine's Date.....her daddy dressed her if you can't tell.....

 And the latest picture.....where she is most adorable.....

13lbs 4oz, 24 1/2 inches....and growing every day! our chunky little munchkin :)

Needless to say I am obsessed with this little face.  Being an aunt is by far the greatest job in the world!! I'm so proud to say I'm an aunt to the little munchkin....can't wait for all the many, many memories to come! 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Rant

Let me start off by saying this is NOT a rant about how dumb Valentine's Day is.....nor is it a rant about how much love sucks.  
I also should give a disclaimer that this post may step on toes, including my own.... 
With that being said.....let the cupid shuffle begin. 

Given that it is Valentine's Day I thought I would dedicate a post to Love.  Something few of us know anything at all about. In today's culture we're fed with sex, lust, treating love as a game.....never a depiction of what true love is and how relationships are supposed to work.  I am the first to admit I DVR The Bachelor and Jersey Shore, but I'm not really proud of it.  When I watch these, most of the show I'm thinking about what they fill our heads with.  I also think of the many conversations I have each week with various people about "i want that boy" or "if only I had a boyfriend" and so forth. This idea of love and relationships saturates our culture and yet we have such a distorted view of what it is really all about. 

God has definitely laid on my heart the past few months to really take a look at how I see relationships and has been working on my heart to better understand His desires for me.  I still think all the time how I'd love to meet a boy and fall in love, but I'm slowly beginning to see that my desires are screwed up and that God's desire is much greater.  In a sermon several months ago my pastor made a point that we thrive most when we operate not according to our desire, but according to our design.  Until we understand that God has a greater plan and has designed us in His image, to love as he loves, then we will never truly be satisfied even if we do find that significant other we think is "the one."  As girls we seek guys to fill that empty place in our hearts, and guys seek girls to do the same.  But this is the first problem with our distorted view.  That empty place in our heart can only be satisfied with what our heart truly end that separation with God and fill it with the greatest love....and that is a relationship with Christ.  If we don't have that, the other relationship won't be satisfying, we'll still be searching for something more.  We can't find in a guy (or girl) what we should find in God.  

The rest of this post is more directed at how we, as girls, see things.   I fell in love with a line from a song a few weeks ago...."you are treasured, you are sacred, you are His".....from Mercy Me's song, "Beautiful." (This whole song is awesome....listen to the lyrics intently) What if we really took this to heart and understood the truth in this line.  So often I talk to girls who are seeking guys to make them happy.  We overanalyze everything that happens between us and the opposite sex, we are willing to alter our schedules and plans to perhaps have a chance with him, and we let envy get the best of us when we see other people in relationships. I am guilty of all three of these at some point or another.  But I also have a strong desire to let girls know that this isn't how it's meant to be.  No guy will love and treasure you as much as Christ.  If we could just come to understand that we deserve to be treated as the precious bride's of Christ. Guys are supposed to pursue us, not us chase after them. Guys are supposed to be spiritual leaders, leading us to Christ, not the bedroom.  Relationships are to be founded on a love for God, a love for each other, trust, acceptance, and intimacy....they're not to be founded on lust, selfish desires, and one night at the bar.  

Just a side note---I titled this a rant, but I don't want it to seem like I think there's no hope in the relationship field today.  I, myself, am very encouraged by Kelley and her fiancĂ©'s (we'll call him Mack) relationships.  Their engagement came from their growing relationship which came from their friendship which came from them both pursuing Christ.  They place their love for God above and beyond their love for each other and let that love build their relationship.  I'm sure they'll both tell you they have their difficulties and struggles, but by building their relationship on their love for the Lord I have no doubt their relationship will be one to last a lifetime. (and I can't wait for their wedding day May 21st :))  It's amazing to see how happy they are together and how much trust they put in God guiding their relationship.  I barely even know Mr. Mack at all, but his love for LK reflects the love Christ has for us, the way true love is meant to be.    

As I said earlier, the media fills us with wrong ideas about relationships....and whether they influence us or we've influenced the media...the fact is that relationships we see on tv are based on the physical and shallow terms of relationships.  I watch as Brad constantly says his infamous phrase "just come here and let me kiss you" and I catch myself wondering just how many young girls sit there watching and wishing they could have a guy like that.  But how shallow is this--there's never any real substance to the conversation and certainly never any discussion of beliefs.  How often do our relationships begin the same way though?? Randomly meet and have small talk, end up kissing because we think that's the best way to tell if there's anything there, people stay over, "i love yous" are said long before there's depth to the relationship, and then what happens---they fall apart.  And then there's the Shore, where they bring people home every night....the guys go out intentionally looking for girls to bring to the "Smush Room." They're always looking for the next hook-up.  I could dedicate an entire book to how we, females especially, disrespect ourselves.  As I said though, I don't want to get on the sex topic because I think it is outside the realm of a blog.  But would love to talk. 

With all this being said I want to be the first to admit that I am guilty of this worldly, distorted view of relationships.  I in no way am judging anyone so please please please don't see it that way.  I sincerely believe God created us to be in relationships and has desires for these that are much more fulfilling than any we could have for ourselves. I want to encourage you not to hate today and obsess over the fact you don't have a boyfriend.  Instead, take time to think about what love really means and what God desires for you.  Instead of obsessing over a guy remember how much God obsesses over you.  If you haven't read the book Redeeming Love I strongly suggest it.  It is a long one...but one that you won't be able to put down.   

Now, Happy Valentine's Day!  Love is more than the flower, candy, cards, and cheesy statuses that you're giving and receiving or not. If you don't have a significant other today take it as an opportunity to be thankful for the love you share with friends and family (cheesy, I know, but true.) 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Rivalry Like No Other...

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  Duke University. 8 miles apart. A beautiful, light shade of blue named after us, favorite color of the Big Man upstairs.  A darker, less appealing shade that brings nauseating feelings.  10 National Championships combined (obviously more in favor of God's shade of blue UNC 6 Duke 4)...46 ACC Championships (again in favor of God's shade of blue UNC 27 Duke 19)...229 meetings (do i even need to say it....yes, again in favor of God's shade of blue UNC 130 Duke 99)....a rivalry like no other. You pledge allegiance to one side or the other.  Tar Heels and Devils do NOT get least not on game day.  Chapel Hill and place where both flock to, Heaven on Earth, a place to call home.  The other a place where no one really wants to go, the armpit of the South.  Roy and Coach K....a very likable, passionate, Southern boy that learned from the greatest basketball coach in history (the one and only Dean E. Smith).....the other a rat-like, user of not so family-friendly language, but who I will have to admit is a good coach. These are only the beginnings of the dividing factors. Again....a rivalry like no other!

I was reminded this weekend of the passion I had as a child watching Carolina Basketball games.  I would gather all the Tar Heel novelties in the house and sit directly in front of the tv long before tip-off, anxiously waiting.  I would fanatically celebrate each win and on the rare occasion that Dean and the boys lost I would definitely cry.  I can remember a crew of boys (Candy Cane's friends) coming over to play basketball and then watch the games with my dad....I can distinctly remember the Duke games.  There was something special about those days.  I'd throw on all my gear and roll into school, ready to take on any one.  Every teacher was well aware when the Carolina/Duke game was happening.  The love of the Tar Heels was bred into me long ago.  It is quite possible that Tar Heels were the first words I learned to spell. 

Along with this long-time love for the boys in Carolina Blue came a long-time hatred for that other, inferior blue.  While I won't go as far to say I hate the boys or the coach I will say that in every true Carolina fan there is a soured feeling you have towards that other team 8 miles down the road.  You hear the name and cringe.  This hatred goes both ways though and that is the beauty of the rivalry.  It's one where we don't really want to admit to respecting each other but in reality the rivalry forces us into respect.  If the other team was not worthy of respect the rivalry would not prevail as it does.  But even with respect, that flame of intolerance and disgust burns deeply.  This hatred towards Duke doesn't seem to stop with the Carolina family though, many in the country feel the same.  A good friend in law school who is a UConn grad told me from the beginning (she too caught on to my sports obsession) that even though she wasn't a Tar Heel at heart, we did share a hatred for Duke.  Clearly we immediately became good friends.  For me though, the light of that beautiful shade of blue I pledge allegiance to shines brighter and overpowers the way I loathe Duke.  

Every Carolina fan has memories of where they were for the Duke game.  We each can recall specifics.  The picture of Tyler bleeding en route to defeating them, the long shot in stride by Jeff Capel to send the game into overtime, the put-back by Marvin Williams followed by free throws to lead us to the win in 2005, the reverse JAM by Stackhouse (my childhood favorite) at Cameron, JJ crying on senior night after Tyler and the boys beat him yet again on his home court, Danny's DUNK over the dookie, and yes we even remember the blow out last year as heart aching as it was (and which makes us even more anxious for tonight).  These memories stick with us, which speaks to the intensity of this rivalry.  

While I personally have several close friends that, against their better judgment, pledge their allegiance to the Devils of Dirty D....and we'll wake up tomorrow (ok maybe give it until Friday) as friends....but for tonight we are enemies.  I was at Winter Jam this weekend and one of the performers said we march to battle under different banners on the basketball as the Tar Heels, the other as the Blue Devils....but we unite under one banner in the ultimate battle, the banner of Jesus Christ.  (I agree with this 100% and believe there are bigger, more important things than basketball rivalries...but that's a different post) I immediately looked at my mom and said....what an oxymoron....Devils united under the banner of Christ...I don't think that works.  Clearly I was joking....but for tonight they are Devils to me.    The lesser. The ugly.  The enemy. 

This is, in many people's opinion, the greatest rivalry in sports.  It is for sure the greatest rivalry in college basketball and for most, the greatest rivalry in college sports.  Tobacco Road IS college basketball.  Carolina IS college basketball.  And I guess I'll even let the other one have credit and say....Duke IS college basketball (it's that respect thing.)  This is by far one of my favorite days of the year.  Tune in at 9pm...I would suggest choosing the more beautiful and appealing Carolina blue uniform....but whatever you do embrace the rivalry for what it is.  Something much greater than the score at the end of the night. But that counts for a lot too! 

I'll leave you with this gem of an article...
Top 10 Reasons We All Hate Duke  Please note, even a former player, who many fans rallied behind as one of the great Devils, hates Duke and shares the rest of our sentiments. 

And the three stooges favorite phrase---

Friday, February 4, 2011

Newest Endeavor.

Candy Cane told me if I wanted to be a true blogger I needed to blog more often...(I think she just got bored at work and wanted something to do...) I told her I wish I could, but soon realized this week that these postings would only happen every few days.  A legal memo, internship searching, Guardian Ad Litem training, and class preparation seemed to quickly fill up my week...and filled to the brim.  I say this with a smile though. Although sometimes (ok, often) in the midst of my crazy, busy life I get frustrated and wish I could just slow down....I am always reminded how blessed I am and how thankful I should be for this life I've been given.  On that note....I'm going to write about one of the newest additions to my crazy agenda.

"Guardian at Law"
An advocate for the child.
A voice for the child.

This is the latest thing I feel God is calling me to be a part of, not only as a law student, but to experience things outside my little bubble.  
Training just started this week and I am so excited to be a part of such a great program. 
For those of you that don't know what it is, Guardian Ad Litem is a volunteer based program in which you are appointed by the court to an abused and/or neglected child who has been taken into custody of Social Services.  You develop a relationship with the child and act as a voice for the child in the court process.
Through your interactions with the child you try to determine what you believe is in the best interest of the child and try to voice what the child wants. 

Clearly, due to confidentiality, I won't be able to share a lot.
But I ask that you be praying for me as I begin this and pray for all the children that are involved.
Just from the first two sessions of training I have gained a better understanding of the impact you can have on a child's life. I LOVE children. I want them to know they are loved and give them hope for a better future. 
I feel adults so often believe they know best.  

Just like in Matilda, we take the Harry Wormwood approach: " I'm smart; you're dumb; I'm big, you're little; I'm right, you're wrong, and there's nothing you can do about it."
I don't believe it should be this way.  Children have feelings, they have dreams, they have needs.  We should take the time to listen to them every now and then.  (We might even learn a thing or two.)
So on that note I'll wrap it up and just say...take the time to talk to a kid.  Embrace their innocence.  Listen to them. And show them someone cares.
Jesus said, "let the little children come to me!"Matt 19:14---clearly, he took the time. 
I can't wait to begin serving a child as their GAL.  I pray they are open to me and we can work as a team to ensure their safety and basic needs are met, so that one day their dreams can come true.